April 15, 2011

Homegrown Thursday - Axis Vehicles

So this week's vehicles are the Panzer I, the Puma Armoured Car, and the StuG III


  1. The stug's not right, how can its one 75mm gun be equal to a pair of 88's and better than the 17lb? The 7mm L42/48 should probably be 1 dice less against armour than the 17lb. Also the stug is a tank destroyer but you have given it Artillery ranges.

    The puma is good but I can't see any PZ1's being around in'47 and several of the weapon factors are missing a digit.

  2. Yea not sure why its missing numbers will fix it tonight. And the Puma is a requested model from theguildllc so I thought I would be nice. If you have any request just drop an email. As for the 75mm is a higher velocity and higher damage than most other 75mm its not a 75mm compared to a sherman. It should have a U for range but still have reload.

  3. The 75 should not be as powerful as the 88 or 17lb. But it should also have the option for 105 howitzer for the assault gun version.

  4. The 75mm carried is the same as the Pz4 and yes a little more powerful than the Sherman, but no where near the effect of a 17lb let alone twin 88's.

  5. Thanks for the Puma, poor guys is going to get zzapped!!!

  6. Also, my computer died so might be out of it for a while. Keep up the great work. Thanks!
