April 15, 2011

Hobby Wednesday and Show Off Friday

So today is a terrain piece I have been working on finishing to show you is a blasted Sherman tank. So what I did was take a sherman and put it together fully. Then I took some pliers and bent the track wheels on one side. This was to make it look like one side was severely damaged and one wasn't. Then I cut a track big enough to cover the length of the damaged wheels on the bottom wheels. I glued the whole thing to a base and started cut and gluing small track pieces to the base. Next I took a drill with a really big bit and on the good side I drilled 3 holes into the side but they were just enough to make an indention into the model not to pierce the model. Next I took a smaller drill bit and pierced the hull of the tank in the middle of where I made the indentions with the other holes. Then I took a dremel tool and a cutting blade and cut a asterisk looking cut into the damaged side's hull. I then took pliers and bend the plastic out to give it a look like the metal bent in the explosion. When I glued the turret to the top but slightly offset it. Then I bent the barrel.

And there you have it a nice looking 3D terrain piece for your Dust Tactics figures to fight on. I plan on using this as a 2 square tank trap.

I used a Tamiya Sherman model you can use what ever you want.
For the base I used tiles plastic card. If you get the right size you can just bend off the size you need without having to cut plastic and just use the other side of the tiles.
You can add tank stowages and more rubble to the terrain. I just left it bare for the instructions.


  1. Very inspirational, thanks, a bit expensive though, wrecking a new Tamiya model?

  2. It's actually a older Tamiya model. It only costed me $15 I found it at an Hobby Store down the street thats been there for 20+ years. Also you can find cheaper ones.

  3. Annoyingly I sold all my 1/48 models off last year as they areto big for my 28mm WW2 games. Kits seem to be ruddy expensive everywhere at the mo, having trouble finding cheap ones :(

  4. One thing I would have done was to have all of the haches open. The pressure of an internal explosion usualy pops the haches and flames jet out like a blowtorch. Looks quite good though.

  5. One thing I would have done was to have all of the haches open. The pressure of an internal explosion usualy pops the haches and flames jet out like a blowtorch. Looks quite good though.
