April 7, 2011

Homegrown Thursday - Crusader, Grizzly, and the Ho-I

 I decided some odd countries in Dust. Japan England and Canada. (Odd being that the big 3 are US, Germany, and Russia in the Dust Tactics world).


  1. Nice article and idea. I do think, however, that the grizzly is a little cheap considering the 6 hit points and fast...

  2. oops yea typo it should be a 5 I'll fix it tonight.

  3. Why the 1/4 stat for the Crusader against all armour?

  4. oops that should be a 4/1 not a 1/4 sorry

  5. haha, U got a whole staff of assistants Arkangl!!! Thanks for all the effort I really enjoy your blog and appreciate your constant updating.
    We all Dust fans owe you for giving us stuff to endure between releases of the game
