April 6, 2011

Hobby Wednesday - Add scenic affects to you models

So today I thought I would show a quick easy thing to add to your models to make them stand out. Armorcast makes small bits called scenic effects. These are gun muzzles and rocket smoke to make the model look like it’s in the battle firing right now. Simply buy the bits and glue them on to the models, paint them and you have a nice model that stands out among the rest.

New article up on the FFG Dust Tactics page - Modeling Masterclass 3 its on how to add details to your walkers.


  1. I saw these advertised on TMP the other day but dismissed them, the grunts bazooka looks really good but the pounders muzzle flash looks a bit small to me. I suppose you cound paint it up as flame and then surround it with smoke.

  2. they make bigger ons but I didnt want something too big

  3. Yea I have used this for my 40k stuff in the past and was like it'll look cool on Dust figures too.
