February 1, 2011

Tuesdays’ Review – The Walkers

Today I am going to discuss the Pros and Cons of the 4 walkers in the Operation Blue Thunder Box. The box contains 4 different walkers, the Pounder and Hotdog for the Allies, and the Ludwig and the Luther for the Axis.

The Pounder is a nice balanced walker it can shoot at both unit and vehicles and do a nice price of damage each time.
The Pounder’s cannon does a decent amount of HP per shot and also has a .50cal and a .30cal to assist with fire support on infantry.
It can take out other vehicles quickly.
It has Jump ability.
It can shoot at 3 different units.
U - Range on cannon.
Pounder does less damage than its Axis counterpart the Ludwig.
Like all vehicles can be point out easily and does not have any cover.

The Hotdog is the second vehicle for the Allies it has a napalm thrower on the front able do a decent amount of damage against infantry.
It can shoot at 3 different units.
The napalm can destroy a vehicle in one hit.
It gets shots equal to the number of models in a unit.
It has jump ability.
It can shoot at 3 different units.
Only one shot for a vehicle.
It has to get close to a unit to use napalm.
Has less shots against a vehicle than its counterpart the Luther.
Like all vehicles can be point out easily and does not have any cover.

The Ludwig
It is the counterpart to the Pounder for the Axis side.
The Ludwigs’s cannon do a decent amount of HP per shot and also has a MG to assist with fire support on infantry.
It can take out other vehicles quickly.
Does more damage than the Pounder.
U - Range on cannon.
Like all vehicles can be point out easily and does not have any cover.
It only has 2 weapons to shoot at rather than its counterpart which has 3.
It does not have Jump ability.

The Luther
The counterpart to the Hotdog it too is a close quarters walker. Its cannon can deal heavy damage to a vehicle and has a combat arm to assault a unit or a vehicle.
It has self repair.
It has Charge which allows it to get into combat a lot quicker.
It has more shots on a vehicle than the Hotdog.
It can assault.
It is more balance than its counterpart.
U - Range on cannon.
It can only shoot at 2 units.
It does not have Jump.
His combat arm needs to be close to the unit he is assaulting.

For a bonus I am going to review the Loth the special edition model.
The Loth
The Loth is a combat vehicle able to repair itself in battle.
It has Charge which allows it to get into combat a lot quicker.
The combat arms do a devastating 8HP a turn.
It has self repair.
It needs to be close to do any damage.
It does not have Jump.
It can only shoot at 1 target.

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