February 2, 2011

How to Paint the Axis Figures

To Paint Figures You Will Need:
Fortress Grey
Codex Grey
Chaos Black
Badab Black (Wash)
Scorched Brown
Dark Flesh
Tallarn Flesh (Foundation)
Skull White
Asurmen Blue
Boltgun Metal
Mithril Silver
Scorched Brown
Bleached Bone
Baal Red (Wash)

Round 2 1 0 1/0 2/0

If you know how to drybrush and want to you can with the 2 or 1 brush for the green otherwise you do not need the 2 for drybrushing. You will need to 1 drybrush for bigger areas of washes. You will need a 1 0 1/0 and 2/0 for painting. 1 and will be for base colors and fine detail washes and 0, 1/0, and 2/0 are for details.

Today’s Painting is just the basic painting no details like symbols or squad distinction.

First thing I did was determine what colors I wanted to do my models. For my Rocket Squads I am doing them in their white smocks and have grey underside. Their armor will be Metal.

Where the grey was going to be I washed with Badab Black.

Then I went over the areas with Codex Grey.  That’s the closest color I found to the primer color. Then I went over that with Fortress Grey. Grey is done.

Now the tricky part is the white smocks. I base coated with Fortress Grey. This builds up the colors to make 
a pure white. Next I applied 1:1 Fortress Grey and White and washed with 3:1 Badab Black. This gives a diluted light grey color and brings out the shadows. I reapplied the 1:1 Fortress and White and highlighted with White. When you are done you should get a grayish white color.

Next I did black. I painted the boots, the goggles, and the guns stock parts straight Chaos Black. Then I highlighted it with 1:1 Chaos Black and Codex Grey, then again 1:2 Chaos Black and Codex Grey.  Black is done.

Next I did the metallic. I painted the Goggles rim, the Gun’s metallic parts, the armor, and if there is a Shovel on the back pack it too with Boltgun Metal. I washed the metal with Badab Black. Then went over the wash with Chainmail and Highlighted with Mithril Silver. Metallic is done.

Now for faces. I start with Tallarn Flesh. Then put a 10:1 water dark flesh wash. Then a 15:2:1 Water, Scorched Brown, and Chaos Black. Then applied 2:1 Tallarn Flesh and Bleached Bone. Then Highlighted with Bleached Bone. Then highlighted with 1:1 Bleached Bone and White. To show more realism I did an asurmen blue wash where under the eyes a little would be and baal red on the lips.

Now you have painted a figure only 4 left to go for that squad.

After you are done painting you should clear coat you figures I would use a flat varnish spray if gives it a realistic look and not show glossy


I like to do one color at a time and paint that color on all my figures before I move onto another color.
Remember to have 2 cups of water on for regular color and one for metallic colors. Otherwise your regular colors with have a metallic sheen to them.

You can do as many highlights as you would like to make it more realistic I just showed the basics. Grey you could build up to 1:1 Fortress Grey and White, Blacks to Codex or Fortress Grey, Browns to Khaki, and Flesh to White. I wouldn’t do metallic highlights past Mithril Silver because that would involve using white.

Remember to water down your paints not too much otherwise you will just get a wash but enough to make the paint flow off of the brush smoothly. You may want to get a cheap model like a heroclix or something and practice if you are a bit rough on painting.

Also these colors are just the basics for allies you can do them in any different combinations I just choose these for my squad and use for an example. You can also do camo on your men using these combinations and making patches.

Later I will show detailing you models like adding symbols and a worn look to the armor. 

Here's Illustrated on what to do.

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