February 10, 2011

Homegrown Thursdays - Change of Plans

So I decided to do this a little differently Wednesday will be House Rules and Tank cards. On Saturdays there will be Superhero cards. Also heads up I will post the points for all that I've made so far next week base on the tournament rules. If you have any ideas to what they should cost email me them and I'll see if thats in the ballpark where I want them I was thinking the superheroes in the 30s-50s regular heroes in the 15s-25s and the tanks are in more than 30. For example I was thinking the Chaffee cost about 25-30.

So today's house rules are weather.

Night Fight - Night and day can happen during a game. To show this when shooting greater than 1 range roll 1 less dice for every 3 range minimum shots of 2. This effect lasts 3 full turns at the end of the 3rd turn role a dice on a hit the dawn breaks and if normal fight otherwise still night fight. On turn 4 roll a dice on a blank same thing. On turn 5 the dawn breaks. Vehicles with a search light attached to them are immune.

Snow - To show this when shooting greater than 3 range roll 1 less dice for every 3 range minimum shots of 2. This effect lasts 3 full turns at the end of the 3rd turn role a dice on a hit the storm eases off and normal fight otherwise roll another dice on a hit this time the storm turns into a blizzard(see blizzard). If it does not get worse then roll next turn. Flamethrower and demons squads are immune.

Blizzard - The snow storm goes from regular snow to total blizzard whiteout with high winds. Only range 2 or less can shoot. At the beginning of the turn for every model in play role a dice. On a hit they are frozen and spend one turn thawing. Model cannot do any action for a turn. Any model frozen the next turn must roll a dice again on a hit they are removed as a casualty from frostbite. Vehicles will auto thaw the turn after frozen. Blizzards only last 1 whole turn. Then switch back to snowing. Flamethrower and demons squads are immune.

Glaciers and Frozen Lakes - The battle is happening on top of a giant sheet of ice. The ice could break the units could far through into freezing water. To show this for every model on the table role a dice on a hit they fall through and drown. The model before he drowns can make a leap to save himself. Roll a dice for soft cover on a hit they make it. Vehicles do not fall through they just get stuck for one turn. The vehicles cannot do any action while stuck. Units with flight are immune.

Today's Tanks are the M24 Chaffee, Panther and the T-26.

I upload the new cards to the bottom of the card page. Tanks will go on the bottom of the page and superheroes will go on the top.
Remember if you want to make your own cards send me an email and I'll send you the file you must have microsoft publisher.


  1. Like the Russian symbol for the Cards. Have you found any good models that fit the board? For the Tanks I mean.

  2. I just use 1/48th scale models haven't bought all the tanks just figure I would post them. As for the russian symbol its the only for the cards for the dust models. I just got it off of the decal sheets
