February 9, 2011

Hobby Wednesday - How to Make Captain America and Red Skull

Things you will need:
Exacto Knife
Rip Hunter from Crisis DC
Captain America Ultimate from Avengers Marvel
Easy Company Medic from Cosmic Justice
Red Skull from Avengers Marvel

Everyone has been asking me how I made the Captain America model so today I will show you how. To make these models I used Heroclix models. One, they already have the hero and villain already a model. 
Two, they have a WWII or military looking model for both of them. Reason I like the Heroclix models is because most of them are fairly cheap to buy and you can either get them at a comic store that still sells them or on ebay. Captain America cost me about $2 and Red Skull about $.50. I like the Heroclix models is because most of them are fairly cheap to buy and you can either get them at a comic store that still sells them or on ebay.

So first is Captain America I decided to do like the new Movie previews and no helmet. First thing I did was cut the WWII Captain America right at the pelvis making sure I left the pouches and belt. Then I cut the arm at the shoulder of the Shield Arm. There should be a crease at the joint. Then I cut at the elbow. You can repose the arm with the cuts but I chose to you another arm shown later. Next I cut the head off and then I cut the face from the mask and helmet. Next I took Rip Hunter and cut the head off at the jaw line. I glued that to the next of the Captain America Torso. Then I took the Easy Company Medic and cut him in half at the pelvis. I trimmed off the pouches and rounded the clothes to fit on the Captain America and then I glued them together. I then cut the arm at the shoulder and the elbow again. I trimmed off the arm band and used that to pose Captain America’s arm with the shield. Everything else I kept the same. 

As for Red Skull he was the easiest I cut the Captain America Shield from under his foot replaced it with a rock and put some green stuff on his arm for his Nazi arm band.

For painting I cannot show you how to paint them but I can tell you how I did it. From the Previous how to Paints I did the Bluish Whites, Flesh, Black, Browns and Metal on them. For the reds I based the red with Mechrite Red then Washed with Baal Red. Then for highlighting I used: Scab Red, Blood Red, and 1:1 Blood Red and Blazing Orange. For the blues I did Regal Blue as the base color and washed it with Asurmen Blue. Then I highlighted with Ultramarine Blue, Enchanted Blue and 1:1 Enchanted Blue and Ice Blue.

Once you’re done you should have models that look like these two. Next week I will show you how to make your own bases for the heroclix models and other model you make or buy.

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