April 4, 2012

Hobby Wednesday - Laser Grenadier Commander Conversion

Today I thought I would make the Laser Grenadier commander in the new Zverograd Laser Grenadiers from Dust Models.

1) First you'll need the laser grenadier with the knee high boots and a recon commander from another squad.
2) Now take the tops off of both models buy just pulling them. You will be swapping legs with upper torsos.
3) Next cut the backpack and laser off of the laser grenadier. make sure to fully cut off the hand holding the forward grip of the gun.
4) Take the commander torso and cut the gun off of the holding hand.
5) Remove the heads from both models
6) Assemble the Recon torso on the Laser legs.
7) Last glue the backpack on and the gun on the arm. Then put the laser grenadier head on.

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