February 27, 2012

Announcement – Dust Models’ Points and Abilities

Some people from the French gaming magazine Ravage has posted this in their latest magazine. With that being said looks like there is going to be a future releases of Minefields and Bunkers maybe. Paolo Parente himself stated that these points are pretty accurate. 

Mickey ARV : 30
Barking Dog : 55
BergeLuther : 30
JagdLuther : 60
Otto : 30
Ryu : 65
Fury of Ivan : 55

A unit with this skill is a rare sight on the battlefield: maybe it's difficult to build or it has been stolen from the enemy. Whatever the reason, when you lose it it's difficult to get another one.
A unit with this skill can never been brought back in play by a Command Squad after it's been destroyed on the battlefield.

A vehicle with this equipment can lift very heavy objects: it can enter a space with an anti-tank trap. By spending 1 ACTION it can lift this obstacle and move it in an adjacent square.

A vehicle with this skill can enter a space with an anti-tank trap. If it does, that obstacle is destroyed and removed from the board.

A vehicle with this skill has many special properties, thanks to its specialized crew and equipments:
- if it's in contact with a Bunker, it can destroy it by spending 2 ACTIONS to do so: the vehicle needs a full activation. At the end of it, the Bunker is destroyed and all units inside are destroyed as well.
- the vehicle can freely enter a Minefield. When inside a minefield, it can chooses to spend 1 ACTION to clear the space it's in from any Mines. The space can then be crossed by any unit without harm.

A vehicle with this skill has many special properties, thanks to its specialized crew and equipments:
- the vehicle gains the SELF REPAIR skill.
- the vehicle can gather a friendly destroyed vehicle and bring it back to the rear: it can then be salvaged. When you play with a RECOVER VEHICLE, place a marker on the gameboard for any ground vehicle you lose (flying or naval vehicles don't count). If the RECOVERY VEHICLE can manage to go in the space with this marker, it can load the destroyed vehicle (this costs 1 ACTION). The destroyed vehicle has now been salvaged: its parts will be used in another battle. Count only half the destroyed vehicle AP cost when figuring Victory Points at the end of the game.

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