January 25, 2012

Hobby Wednesday - Painting the Fury of Ivan by Patrick Doty

Today we have a special guess Patrick Doty he's on the Dust Tactics - Official Facebook Page and has his own DT FB page.

#1 primer black. When dry, over coat with Army Painter British Armour.


#2 Give the whole model an even coat of GW's Knarloc Green. Spray it on if you've got the means to do so.


#3 give the whole thing a good wash of GW's Devlan Mud.

#4 Once the wash is dry, go back and dry brush it with Knarloc Green.

#5 Now add a little (75/25) GW Sunburst yellow to the Knarlock and dry brush that on.

#6 Add some more Sunburst Yellow. Dont just concentrate on the raised surfaces but give the large flat areas, especially those on the front, an drybrush in the center of the panels.

#7 Add decals. You want to this before weathering. I paint on some gloss varnish, I used GW's, before applying the decal. This helps avoid 'silvering'. Also give the stars on the ammo hopers a coat of GW Mecharite Red followed by GW's Blood Red.

#8 Paint the fuel tank looking things GW Bestial Brown and follow that by stipling GW's Blazeing Orange over it. I'm going for a real rusted out look. Paint the exposed metal bits (piston arms, cables, etc.) GW chaos black.

#9 Add a little GW bleached bone to the Blazeing Orange and stipple that on. When dry, give it a wash of Devlan Mud.

#10 Chipping. Take a bit of sponge and shape it into a wedge. A trimmed piece of Battle Foam worked for me. Dip it in Vallejo German Grey and dab off the excess and then apply to the areas that would get naturaly worn.

#11 Another view of the chipping.

#12 Paint the exposed metal bits with GW Boltgun and then was it with GW Badab Black.

#13 another view of the metal bits.

#14 Dry brush chaos black onto the gun ends, the air intake fan on top of the 'bot, and any other ports that need it.

#15 Stiple on some bolt gun onto the fuel cans and paint the retaining straps the same way as you did the metal bits.

#16 On the ammo hopers are what look like exhaust ports. I painted them up like the rest of the metal but then covered about 3/4 of the boltgun with GW's Dwarf bronze, I then covered 1/2 of that with GW's Tin Bitz and painted chaos black over about 1/2 of the Tin Bitz. I also painted a bit of boltgun into the middle of some patches of the chipped paint to make it look like bare metal showing though.

#17 I used Vallejo pigments Brown Oxide and rubbing alcohol to wash the pigment into the reccesses of the model in select areas.

#18 View with a flash, you can see where the pigment was applied a bit better.

#19 Another view.

#20 the finnished model. I drybrushed a bit of GW's Graveyard Earth onto lower panels and around the feet but kept it sparse as this 'bot will be operating in urban setting. I sealed the whole thing with Testor's Dulecote.

#21 The fuel cans done. Prolly a bit overboard but I like the contrast.

#22 The base

#23 The base, you can see some of the Graveyard here.







#30 Time to repel the facist invaders from mother Russia! Uraghhhhh!

 Thanks Patrick with this awesome tutorial.

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