December 8, 2011


 I have made a new release of Army Builder it has all the units to Cerebrus including Angela and Chef. Go on the links page at the bottom is a link.

Also Unofficial Dust Cards have been released on website. If you have the models of would like to have the cards just go on the website and order them. On the official Dust Tactics Facebook Page (Not Mine) Paolo Parente has posted the Otto card for people to download themselves. I will have these cards up on my blog. They are not official and do not have points value. Fill out the poll on the side for what you think the points value should be I will be posting more polls later. Army builder also has these cards on the files. I'll also be doing reviews for them.

Within the next week or so the Heavy Walkers should be released keep posted for further info. Dust Warfare will also hopefully be released this month. I am working on the Army Builder file to get it ready for Dust Warfare. Since it is a must buy book to play Dust Warfare my stuff for Warfare will be go to page blah for rules. Stats will still be up on the army builder.

FFG is looking for Volunteers to show off their models and give tutorials if you have any take some picks and email it to them. There is a post on their site about it. If you would like for me to post it on here feel free to email me and they'll be up on the following Friday.

With it being the Holiday Season and a cousin dying of cancer, TWC may be a little slow on posts in December. I am trying to get back to schedule with my postings. I'm looking for some help so if you'd like to become a regular poster on my blog feel free to email me. I'll give you complete freedom to post anything Dust related.

I have a surprise for you guys with some models I painted you should be very excited to see them when I get them posted. They have custom conversions and an unique paint job unlike any of the Dust. I'll later be doing a couple of how to on the techniques I used when I get a chance.

I'll keep you posted as further stuff comes up. Stay Tuned Dust Fans.

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