September 28, 2011

Homegrown Thursday

Today's card is the Soviets KV-1.

September 27, 2011

Tuesday Review – Axis Zombies

Today’s review is the nasty Axis Zombies. These guys are resurrected Nazi soldiers and retain their memories for the most part. They are more like voodoo zombies rather than the plague zombies of Resident Evil or Dawn of the Dead

Armor 3
5 Zombies compared to their other armor 3 counterparts
They are nice anti-tank anti-infantry units.
They have damage resilient.
Has fast

Pretty Expensive unit that has no shooting
Does not have a cover save
Cannot be joined by any heroes other than fellow Zombies

Move a lot, don’t stop moving. You don’t have a cover save so stay where it blocks LOS all together. If you have him now use the Grenadier X as the hero to join them. Otherwise when he comes to general release use him.

September 21, 2011

Hobby Wednesday

Today's hobby article is a how to paint the boots of your men allies or axis. I will be using Allies Recon soldiers for the example. These examples can be used for any unit either allies axis or soviets. Also sorry for the inconsistent model placement just follow the text and it should line up.

Unpainted primed Allies Recon Boys.
Model 1 White: I started off with a Space Wolf Grey for the base coat and did the shoe part black.
Model 2 Cold Grey: I started also off with a Space Wolf Grey for the base coat and did the shoe part black.
Model 3 Light Green: I started off with Rotting Flesh and for the shoe also based it black.
Model 4 Warm Grey: I started with Codex Grey and for the shoe I painted it Space Wolf Grey
Model 5 Brown: I started with Kammando Khaki and based the shoe with Black.
Model 1 Light Green:Washed the green with Gryphonne Sepia.
Model 2 Warm Grey: Washed the grey with Badab Black and the shoe with Asurmen Blue.
Model 3 Cool Grey:Washed with Asurmen Blue.
Model 4 White: Washed with 50/50 Water Asurmen Blue.
Model 5 Brown: Washed with Devlan Mud then Gryphonne Sepia.
Model 1 Brown: Went over the brown with Beastial Brown and went over the black with 35/65 Codex Grey/Black.

Model 2 White: Went over with white/Space Wolf Grey went over the black with 35/65 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 3 Warm Grey: Went over the gray with Codex Grey went over the shoe with Space Wolf Grey.

Model 4 Cool Grey: Went over the gray with Space Wolf Grey went over the black with 35/65 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 5 Light Green: Went over the green with Rotting Flesh went over the black with 35/65 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 1 Brown: Went over the brown with Beastial Brown and went over the black with 35/65 Codex Grey/Black.

Model 2 White: Went over with white/Space Wolf Grey.

Model 3 Warm Grey: Went over the gray with Codex Grey.

Model 4 Cool Grey: Went over the gray with Space Wolf Grey.

Model 5 Light Green: Went over the green with Rotting Flesh.

Finish Product
Model 1 White: Highlighted the White with pure white and highlighted the black with 50/50 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 2 Warm Grey:Highlighted the Gray with Fortress Grey and highlighted the Space Wolf Grey with 50/50 Space Wolf Grey and White.
Model 3 Light Green:Highlighted the Green with 50/50 Rotting Flesh and White and highlighted the black with 50/50 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 4 Cool Grey: Highlighted the Gray with 50/50 Space Wolf Grey and White and highlighted the black with 50/50 Codex Grey/Black.
Model 5 Brown: Highlighted the brown with 50/50 Khaki and Bestial Brown and highlighted the black with 50/50 Codex Grey/Black.  Front
And you are done. Next will be the under clothing of the models and prepping for the coat.

September 14, 2011

Homegrown Thursday

Today's Soviet Tank is the SU-152

September 13, 2011

Tuesday Review

So today's review is the Tank Busters for the Allies. These guys are heavy rangers with rocket launchers able to take out a single walker pretty quickly.

Armor 3
Move 2
Has decent antiinfantry and very nice antitank weapons
Has a cover save compard to its zombie counterpart

Only has 3 models in the unit compared to it's zombie counterpart
Expensive unit
Half of the AntiInfantry is close combat

Depending on what your opponent has you may want to put OZZ117 in this unit to beef up the woulda for the unit and add some extra short range firepower. I would keep them constantly moving and fire when able to because you never know when the unit will have another chance.

September 7, 2011


I am back online. I've been offline since Hurricane Irene knocked my power out. We have a generator and nothing was damaged. I didn't want to take the chance on have a surge from the generator mess up my computer so I left it offline. If you saw me on FFG forums or BBG forums I was using my iphone.

Now to new business the Tank Buster, Axis Zombies, and the Revised Core Set are out! Get them while you can.

Not sure if this is a rumor or not but there is some talk of the Regular Core Set going away. If this is true folk you need to pick it up if you haven't. While people are arguing that the revised core set is nice, there is only one thing to say about the Regular Core Set, quantity it comes with a ton of walkers squads and 2 heroes that once it gone will not be in production unless FFG makes them separate.

Another Announcement is that there are a ton of people on the filling out the forms for the Player Finder, Store Finder and the Event Finder. If you have not, DO IT!!!!

Since this black out I have also come to the conclusion I need some help with this blog if you would like to post articles or anything don't hesitate to send me an email with your stuff. If you would also like I can make you an admin to be able to post whenever you like. These posts are not steady like mine are but whenever you want. So if you have a game you played and photographed it or have a tutorial on how to paint. I currently have recruited Dan (Dcal12) to post articles when I get this set up he will be posting some.

And finally you'll notice the new look to the blog. at the bottom are links to FFG's pages for each of the 3 Dust Games. There are some more to come with a new banner on the top and some other stuff.

Homegrown Thursday

Today I am making up for last week and posting 2 tanks the IS-3 and the ISU-122. Almost all the IS tanks look the same and have the same attachments so that is why the IS-2 and the IS-3 have the same armaments.