June 14, 2011

Review Tuesday - Snipers and Observers

So today's review is the new sniper and observer boxes. Both have the same stats just a different name and weapons.
Crack Shots and Sniper Grenadiers
Sniper can pick off specific models in a squad.
They only needs blanks to hit.
Has blank saves for both kinds of cover.
Has Agile special ability
Only 2 men in the squad.
The sniper rifle has only a 6 range so you still need to get close enough to the unit.
No anti tank weapons.
Keep him in the back behind cover. Even if its a ammo crate he still gets a blank cover save so don't waste hard cover. Use to pick off the important people in an army's squads.
18 Foxtrot and Beobachter
Has Artillery Strike special ability.
Has blank saves for both kinds of cover.
Both models have radios rather than a Command Squad thats has one.
No anti vehicle.
Only 2 men in the squad.
If you're gonna take a command squad for artillery strike instead take a couple of these. Use the command squad for better commands and uses. You could also with the command squad make the observers use Artillery Strike again with another walker, if you have a bunch of artillery walkers.

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