June 29, 2011

Hobby Wednesday

So today is how to paint the Tank Trap Set A and B from Dust Models. These can also be used for the tank traps in the Dust Tactics Core Set and Expansions. Now the whole concept is that Concrete is made of a bunch of greys and tans.

Set A
 Set B
Applied Dheneb Stone to the hole model.
 Then dry brushed Space Wolf Grey over it lightly.
 Then washed it using Devlan Mud
 Next lightly dry brush each in the following order: Codex Grey, Space Wolf Grey.
Then take a red rust pigment and lightly brush some on the models in various areas.
Then paint Dark Skin Tone on the Re-bar areas and highlight with blazing orange.
Next I did the bases using Space Wolf Gray to keep to my arctic theme. You can do whatever you want.
Next take Tamiya Weathering Stick Snow or a Soft Oil Pastel and dab it on the top of the model to make it look like the model has snow on it.
Next I clear coated it with a flat coat.
And there you have it.

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