May 16, 2011

Discussion Monday - Command Squad

So today I thought I would discuss how the command squad works because I've gotten some question asked to me and I've emailed some questions. I've played this squad about 10 times and I think I got the legist of how they work. First you declare that you are going to activate the squad. Then declare which order you are going to use and roll a dice if the order requires one. The orders requiring a dice roll are as follows: Officer's Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys!, Mechanic's Field Repair and Medic's Come On Guys; We're Going Back Out There. The ones that don't is Radioman's Artillery Strike (because it is an ability not an order but still requires 1 action), Mechanic's Makeshift Repair and Medic's Get Up, It Ain't That Bad. So if you are using an order that requires a dice roll then roll the dice and on a hit the order can be used. Remember to use your other action before these orders. So you can Move and Order, Shoot and Order, or Not Move and Order. The 2 orders that do not require a dice roll can be used in the following. Move and Order, Order and Move, Shoot and Order, Order and Shoot, Order and Artillery Strike. You also do not have to issue and order if you do not want to and the unit would act like any other unit just declare this before you roll for anything.


Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys! Before the roll when ordering the order declare which unit you are going to use it on. When you are done with your first action the Command Squad is deactivated and the other unit is activated as normal.

He does not have a order but his Artillery Strike ability allows him to make a walker with indirect fire as long as he has line of sight to fire in this turn. Both units are used in this turn so remember that the walker cannot be used after the ability. Remember the walker cannot use any other action but Fire this turn. This also means you cannot reload and fire when the artillery strike is called.

Makeshift Repair requires no dice and allows you to add 1 HP to a Walker. The Walker cannot be destroyed and has to be in the adjacent square next to the Command Squad.
Field Repair is pretty nice it allows you to call out a destroyed walker. This can only be used once, when succussfully rolled. When this order is issued the Command Squad is deactivated and the walker is activated and enters the table like it did when the game started and only enters from your deployment zone. The walker has full wounds and ammo.

Get Up, It Ain’t That Bad requires no dice and allows you to add 1 HP to a Hero or Squad. The Hero or Squad cannot be destroyed and has to be in the adjacent square next to the Command Squad.
Come On Guys; We’re Going Back Out There is just like the Field Repair it allows you to call out a destroyed squad. This can only be used once, when succussfully rolled. When this order is issued the Command Squad is deactivated and the squad is activated and enters the table like it did when the game started and only enters from your deployment zone. The squad has full wounds and ammo.

Weapon Specialist
Has no orders but has a Victory MG.

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