April 19, 2011

Hobby Wednesday - Flak Luther and Loth

So today is a simple technique flipping the arm so you can make a loth and a flak luther. Its really simple just pop out the pieces off the arms and turn them around to make them opposite arms. That way you can still make it a regular luther. I also as you can see figured out how to pop the hatches for the axis model I just rammed a nail through the hole in the bottom of the torso and lined it up with the hatch. I also bought and applied small stowages to the models also to give it more realistic look to them.


  1. Nice tip. Just converted my own Loth, repositioned the legs to make her look like she's charging. I'll photo her and do a step by step paint post. BTW I'm working on my step by step for my axis infantry, might be awhile before I can post it up due to tech issues but, I was wondering if I could email it to you first and you could post it up on your blog a few days before I put it on FFG? If youre up for it let me know, though as I said it might take a while due to my comp being comsumned by the Internet Nasties.

  2. I've done these to, what you also need to do though is prise apart the gun shield and swop parts over so they match both sides. Look at your last photo to see what I mean, on one the cut-out is facing forward and the other facing backwards.

