March 30, 2011

Announcement - Dust Tactics Army Builder file

Charlie of Groovy Geckos and I are in the process of making a Dust Tactics Army Builder file, but we need your help. If you have any experience in making Army Builder files or even XML programming (its in XML format with some custom variables) send me an email. As of right now I just have the Definition file is mostly done and do not message me when it will be released, I will announce it when we get it done. Currently no set date for release.


  1. I've made dozens of army builder lists in XL, but does Dust really need it when the points system is so simple and the range of available so limited?

  2. i made one, its a rough cut but it figures out if you want standard army points or tournament point system, only being able to select a hero once for your army.

    As for needing an army builder, may be not now but i can see it soon enough.

  3. This is the actual army builder program made by lone wolf not an excel sheet I have a excel sheet on here already.

  4. I tried the Lone Wolf one a few years back and it just seemed so over-complex to use so gave up on it.

  5. Well I have the Definition fully done I just finished it last night. Now I'm working on the Data files.
